Monday, July 25, 2011

Reflections on Yesterday 7-24-11

"Compromise of your faith destroys your integrity."
I still believe God's Word is the guide for our everyday lives.  Preaching yesterday about families reminded me that American culture should not tell us how to interpret the Bible.  We must be on guard to not fall in the trap culture sets for us.  If we believe one part of the Bible, we must believe it all.  Paul with the help of the Holy Spirit gave good instruction on how the family should operate.  If we are going to live blessed lives, we must align with the Bible; even our families.  Joshua said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  If we continue to compromise our faith around our family, we will not be blessed and our faith will be invalid in their eyes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reading the Bible

Lately my wife and I have been sitting down with the kids every night before bed and reading the Bible to them.  You would think we should have been doing this for a while now but we have not.  We started in the book of Psalms and then read a part of John.  Sometimes the kids listen and sometimes they do not.  It is hard to get them to listen to the not so exciting parts. 

I remember when my dad used to do the same thing.  My brother and I would wonder why we would have to sit and listen to the "boring" parts.  As I got older, I began to understand all the Bible is important and even though my kids don't like all the parts of the Bible, they will begin soon to appreciate all of it.  We have to do the same thing as adults.  We read all the Bible and don't skip over the "boring" parts.  Those parts may just have the answer we are looking for.  So I am going to keep reading and so should you.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Solid or hollow?

When we arrived in Jackson last night, I saw the remains of an old tree in my in-laws' yard. The tree fell during a storm and all that is left now is the stump. When I looked at it this morning, I noticed how hollow the stump was and I wondered how it stood like that for so many years. It looked like a strong tree from the outside but the thickness of the wood was only five inches thick. The rest of the tree was hollow. While driving, my wife informed me that one of my teachers at Central Bible College had pasted away. The article in the Memphis newspaper told a wonderful story of a man whose life was solid. Everyone in the article told about his faith and love of God, his character and devotion to ministry. Here was a story of a man whose life was solid and the people around him knew it! As I turn 35 today, I am reminded that our lives can be either hollow or solid. The difference is Jesus. I want Him to fill my life and keep me from "falling over in the storm.". Thank you Dr. Arnold for being a great example to me. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Jackson, TN

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Walking through Proverbs 2:6,7

The Bible says,
For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly:
Proverbs 2:6,7 (NKJV)

I have seen a number of articles lately referring to common sense.  Many of them insist that common sense has died.  As much as that would seem to be true, people need to know where common sense or wisdom comes from.  The real reason common sense seems dead is because people are spiritually dead.  True wisdom comes from God.  As long as people do things on their own, they will lack that wisdom they need.

The Bible tells us that God has wisdom stored for the upright.  All they need to do is ask.  If we would just let God revive us and we would ask, God would give us the wisdom we need to make it in this life.

Hide your Word in our hearts that we won't sin.